
Oil on paper
65 x 340 cm
Mounting by Chun Rong Fan
Photograph by Chung Ping Wang




"Cross the bridge, stay close behind!"
"Fire is coming, come out quickly!"
"Dead cats hang from tree branches, dead dogs are placed in flowing water."

Out of curiosity and fascination with the destination of the deceased, I began to study the customs and images related to the salvation of souls in traditional folklore and ancient civilizations. Among the many complex rituals, the customs that most emotionally touched me are the two quoted calls and a proverb above. These two calls instruct family members to guide and accompany the souls to leave the mortal world smoothly in the right direction, so that the lonely souls do not wander in panic and scatter everywhere. The proverb implies that if cats and dogs are not treated according to their yin and yang attributes, allowing their souls to rest in peace and be transcended, they will transform into ghosts and their spirits will haunt. Whether out of respect or fear, how the souls leave this journey in the world is crucial. The ancient T-shaped silk paintings from Mawangdui and the ancient Egyptian "Book of the Dead" are not only burial accompaniments and ritual runes for coffins but also serve as road signs and guides, like maps for the souls. "Avenir " is a map for all the deceased I want to commemorate. Whether I am familiar with the deceased or not, between the rising and setting of the sun, between the full moon and the waning moon, they can "follow well" and pass through the flames without any barrier, turning into dust and smoke.

This work transforms the traditional religious painting elements through digital drawing, such as the pagodas in the "Pure Land World Map" and the mountains, rocks, and flames in the Dunhuang murals. The images are then laser-cut into varying depths on cardboard and printed with intaglio printing on thin translucent mulberry paper. Finally, the individual images are arranged and mounted on the same surface. By disassembling the elements of traditional patterns and recombining them on a blank background, the blank space at this moment implies that this is not a landscape of continuous space, but a work desk, a work desk contemplating how things are connected. In the back-and-forth arrangement of the images, I repeatedly confirm the relationships of things, the corresponding order, as if I can see the path of the soul leaving the mortal world and the structure of all the unseen abstract worlds.

Copyright © 2016 - 2023 劉書妤 Shu-yu Liu