Building with Spiriting Bricks 

雕塑:54.5 x 32.5 x 11.2 公分
內頁:51.3 x 26 公分,共11頁

此件作品為2021年參與三鶯社區共創進駐計畫,駐地考察發想而作。原本安座鶯歌福興宮的羅明陶神,在2016年進駐陶博館後,從供人參拜的神明成為博物館體系下的展示文物。這引發了我思考宗教建築之於人們的關係。從自然環境、位址到格局,無不需要各種解讀與習俗,也就是風水。而在這裡,我才看到了種種形制、風水背後的真正意義:那是過去的人,依靠著自己的身體與官能,觀察著天體運行、萬物生長、風吹草動而得出的與自然、與外於自己的世界互動的原則及生活的態度。古代的人們以神話來解釋他們觀察到的自然現象,並且用信仰來認識世界,且進一步將對於世界的認知體現在宗教建築上。此件作品引用了許多神話的圖紋元素:龍、虎、龍馬,以及將《易經》中描述「易有太極,是生兩儀。兩儀 生四象,四象生八卦。」以我自己的詮釋圖像化。虔敬的工匠順時而作,將他們的精神貫注在一磚一瓦,共同聯繫著的精神如神佛,支撐著宇宙的轉動。

This work was created based on the residency exploration of the SanYing community co-creation project in 2021. Originally, the deity Luo Mingtao, worshipped in the Fuxing Temple in Yingge, became an exhibit in the Yingge Ceramics Museum after its relocation in 2016, transitioning from a deity worshipped by people to an exhibited artifact in a museum. This led me to contemplate the relationship between religious architecture and people. From the natural environment, location, to the layout, everything requires various interpretations and customs, including feng shui. It was here that I truly saw the meaning behind the various forms and feng shui: it was the principles and attitudes towards life that past people, relying on their bodies and senses, observed celestial movements, the growth of all things, and the rustling of the wind, and interacted with nature and the external world. Ancient people explained the natural phenomena they observed with myths and used beliefs to understand the world, further embodying their understanding of the world in religious architecture. This work references many mythological elements: dragons, tigers, dragon horses, as well as my own interpretation and visualization of the description in the "Book of Changes" that states "Tai Chi produces two forms, two forms produce four images, four images produce eight trigrams." Diligent craftsmen worked in harmony with the times, imbuing their spirits into every brick and tile, connecting spirits like gods and Buddhas, supporting the rotation of the universe.

Copyright © 2016 - 2023 劉書妤 Shu-yu Liu