Structure to Live in Peace

27 x 42 公分,共42件

卡爾維諾在《看不見的城市》中描述了兩座城市─優薩匹亞( Eusapia )和勞多米亞( Laudomia ),前者是雙子城,後者則是三重的城市。雙子意味著居民為了死後的自己建造了一座與生者之城一模一樣的城市,死者在此延續著他們生前的活動。勞多米亞除了和優薩匹亞一樣有著屬於亡靈的城市,還有第三個勞多米亞,是為了尚未誕生的人所建,現世的人總熱切的詢問著自己的未來,無論是聲望或是醜聞。



In "Invisible Cities," Calvino describes two cities: Eusapia and Laudomia. Eusapia is a twin city, while Laudomia is a triple city. The twin city means that the inhabitants have built an exact replica of the living city for their deceased counterparts, where the dead continue their activities from when they were alive. Laudomia, in addition to having a city for the souls like Eusapia, has a third city built for those yet to be born. The living inhabitants are always eager to inquire about their future, whether it concerns fame or scandal.

People often imagine their life and belonging after death, seeking how they can "rest in peace." Even though dust returns to dust, we don't want it to end there; thus, a series of rituals and beliefs arise. For the unclaimed remains, keeping them brings blessings, while abandoning them brings misfortune. Based on the fear of nameless forces, even ghostly spirits gain a material belonging. The coastal region of Bali, with its backdrop of mountains and sea, has become a city for the dead over the years. Even nameless spirits, carried by the water to the estuary, find a "home" unearthed through the development and reclamation of the living residents. They have no names, only common titles: Wanying Gong, Wansheng Gong, Baixing Gong, Shenggong Ma. A simple roof and low pillars provide shelter from the wind and rain, creating a place of belonging.

In the "Structure to Live in Peace" project, I examined the yin temples in the Bali area, visited various sites, and documented them. Upon developing the photographs, I found them to be highly documentary. So, I tried painting directly on the photos, attempting to summon the physical presence and the sense of time's delay and stagnation I felt on-site, then scanned the photos again. The adhesive used in the paintings created a film-like effect over the temple images when reflected in the scanner. Yin temples are built in the image of houses but are not houses; they serve a worship function but are not temples. They lie between the homes of gods and humans, seemingly unfinished as temples and stagnant as homes. I drew the basic structures of these buildings—roofs and pillars—as sketches of unfinished homes.

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